Is Mango a Citrus Fruit?


Mangoes have long been admired for their luscious taste, vibrant color, and numerous health benefits. As an enthusiast and advisor for those seeking to improve their health through the incorporation of fruits into their daily lives, I am often asked about the classification of mangoes. One common question that arises is whether mangoes fall under the category of citrus fruits. In this article, we will delve into the intriguing world of mangoes, exploring their classification, nutritional benefits, and how they can be utilized to enhance our overall well-being.

Before we dive into the specifics, let’s address the question on everyone’s mind: is mango a citrus fruit? The answer is no. While mangoes share some similarities with citrus fruits in terms of their nutritional composition, mangoes belong to a different botanical family. Citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, grapefruits, and limes, belong to the Rutaceae family, while mangoes belong to the Anacardiaceae family. So, while mangoes may be tangy and packed with vitamins, they are not classified as citrus fruits.

What is a Citrus Fruit?

Citrus fruits are known for their unique combination of tartness, sweetness, and aromatic qualities. They are typically round or oblong in shape, with a thick, spongy rind that houses the juicy flesh within. The pulp of citrus fruits is divided into segments, which are encapsulated by a thin membrane. Citrus fruits are hailed for their high content of vitamin C, which plays a crucial role in supporting immune function, collagen production, and overall health.

Characteristics of Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits possess several distinct characteristics that set them apart from other fruits. These traits include:
Citric Acid: Citrus fruits owe their characteristic tanginess to the presence of citric acid, which gives them their signature flavor and acts as a natural preservative.
Vitamin C: Citrus fruits are renowned for their vitamin C content. This essential nutrient plays a vital role in supporting the immune system, promoting collagen synthesis, and acting as a potent antioxidant.
Essential Oils: Citrus fruits are rich in essential oils, which contribute to their enticing aroma and refreshing taste.
Variety: Citrus fruits come in a wide range of colors, sizes, and flavors, offering a diverse array of choices for fruit enthusiasts.

Is Mango a Citrus Fruit?

Contrary to popular belief, mangoes are not classified as citrus fruits. Mangoes belong to the Anacardiaceae family and are considered a drupe, similar to peaches and cherries. This classification sets mangoes apart from citrus fruits in terms of their botanical categorization.

Mango Classification and Characteristics

Mangoes are known for their distinctive oval or elongated shape, with a single flat pit at the center. They have a smooth, leathery skin that ranges in color from green to various shades of yellow, orange, or red, depending on the variety. The flesh of mangoes is succulent, with a sweet and aromatic taste.

Nutritional Profile of Mangoes

Mangoes boast an impressive nutritional profile, making them a valuable addition to a healthy diet. They are a rich source of essential vitamins, minerals, and beneficial plant compounds. A typical serving of mangoes (165 grams) contains:
Calories: 99
Carbohydrates: 25 grams
Fiber: 2.6 grams
Vitamin C: 67% of the daily recommended intake
Vitamin A: 10% of the daily recommended intake
Folate: 18% of the daily recommended intake
Potassium: 6% of the daily recommended intake

Comparison with Citrus Fruits

While mangoes may not be classified as citrus fruits, they share some similarities in terms of their nutritional composition. Mangoes, like citrus fruits, are an excellent source of vitamin C, although they may not contain as high a concentration. Additionally, both mangoes and citrus fruits offer a host of health benefits and can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet.

Health Benefits of Mangoes

Incorporating mangoes into your daily life can provide numerous health benefits. Let’s explore some of the reasons why mangoes should be celebrated for their potential positive impact on our well-being.

1. Rich in Vitamins and Minerals
Mangoes are packed with essential vitamins and minerals, making them a valuable addition to a nutritious diet. They are particularly abundant in vitamin C, which supports immune function, aids in collagen synthesis, and acts as an antioxidant. Additionally, mangoes contain vitamin A, folate, potassium, and several other micronutrients that contribute to overall health.

2. Antioxidant Properties
Mangoes contain various antioxidant compounds, such as mangiferin and quercetin, which help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. Antioxidants play a vital role in reducing oxidative stress, inflammation, and the risk of chronic diseases.

3. Promotes Digestive Health
The fiber content in mangoes supports digestive health by promoting regular bowel movements and preventing constipation. Mangoes also contain digestive enzymes that aid in the breakdown of proteins and facilitate better nutrient absorption.

4. Boosts Immunity
The high vitamin C content in mangoes strengthens the immune system, helping to defend against infections and diseases. Including mangoes in your diet can provide an extra boost to your body’s natural defense mechanisms.

5. Supports Eye Health
Mangoes are a rich source of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is essential for maintaining good vision and preventing conditions such as night blindness and dry eyes.

6. Aids Weight Management
Despite their sweet taste, mangoes can be a valuable asset in weight management. They are low in calories and high in fiber, which helps promote feelings of fullness and reduce overall calorie intake.

7. Enhances Skin Health
The vitamins and antioxidants present in mangoes contribute to healthy skin. Regular consumption of mangoes can improve skin tone, reduce the signs of aging, and promote a radiant complexion.

8. Supports Heart Health
Mangoes contain dietary fiber, potassium, and antioxidants that are beneficial for cardiovascular health. These nutrients help regulate blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Ways to Incorporate Mangoes in Daily Life

Now that we understand the numerous health benefits of mangoes, let’s explore some creative and delicious ways to incorporate them into our daily lives.

1. Fresh Mango Consumption
The simplest and most delightful way to enjoy mangoes is by eating them fresh. Simply peel off the skin, slice the fruit, and savor its juicy sweetness as a standalone snack.

2. Mango Smoothies and Juices
Blend ripe mangoes with your favorite fruits and a splash of yogurt or plant-based milk to create refreshing smoothies. Alternatively, extract the juice from mangoes and combine it with other fruits for a revitalizing beverage.

3. Mango in Salads and Salsas
Add diced mangoes to salads to introduce a burst of flavor and natural sweetness. Mangoes pair well with leafy greens, avocado, and tangy dressings. They also make an excellent addition to fresh salsas, bringing a tropical twist to your favorite Mexican-inspired dishes.

4. Mango in Desserts and Baked Goods
Incorporate mangoes into your favorite desserts and baked goods for a delightful twist. From mango puddings and tarts to mango-flavored cakes and muffins, the possibilities are endless.

5. Mango in Savory Dishes
Don’t limit mangoes to sweet preparations. Their sweet and tangy flavor can complement savory dishes as well. Use diced mangoes in stir-fries, curries, and grilled meats for a burst of tropical goodness.

6. Mango in Chutneys and Dips
Prepare homemade mango chutneys and dips to accompany your meals. The combination of ripe mangoes, spices, and herbs creates a delectable condiment that pairs well with various dishes, from Indian cuisine to grilled meats and sandwiches.


While mangoes are not classified as citrus fruits, they offer a multitude of health benefits and can be a valuable addition to a well-balanced diet. Their nutritional richness, antioxidant properties, and delicious taste make them a versatile fruit that can be enjoyed in various forms. Incorporating mangoes into your daily life can help boost your immune system, support heart health, enhance digestion, and promote overall well-being. So, why not indulge in this tropical delight and experience the vibrant flavors and health benefits that mangoes have to offer?


1. Can mangoes be consumed by people with diabetes?
Yes, mangoes can be consumed by people with diabetes in moderation. It is important to consider portion sizes and incorporate mangoes into a balanced meal plan, considering their carbohydrate content.

2. Are there different varieties of mangoes?
Yes, there are numerous varieties of mangoes available, each with its own unique taste, texture, and color. Some popular varieties include Alphonso, Tommy Atkins, Kent, and Keitt.

3. Can mangoes help with weight loss?
Although mangoes are sweet, they can still be included in a weight loss diet. Their fiber content helps promote feelings of fullness and can contribute to overall calorie control when consumed in moderation.

4. How do I choose a ripe mango?
When selecting a ripe mango, look for fruits that yield slightly to gentle pressure and have a fragrant aroma. Avoid mangoes with bruises or extremely soft spots.

5. Can mangoes cause allergies?
While mangoes are not a common allergen, some individuals may experience an allergic reaction. If you have a known allergy to mangoes or related fruits, it is best to avoid consuming them and consult with a healthcare professional.